alpine-ec2-amiPacker builder and scripts to create an EC2 optimized Alpine Linux AMI16 months
alpine_aportsAlpine Linux aports, staging area4 years
app-dockerfilesApplication-specific Dotfiles5 years
audiocloudWeb-based Audio player5 years
avolites_show_cleanupAvolites show file cleaner5 years
aws-toolsScripts for working with AWS services4 years
calendar_proxyExchange to iCal calendar proxy4 years
chishopPyPi replacement prototype5 years
clepy_testCleveland Python User Group website5 years
cloud-identity-brokerCloud identity broker9 months
cloudfront_logs_packagingDebian package for CloudWatch logs agent5 years
code_miningDependency mining for Python5 years
css_compressorCSS compressor5 years
d2D2 building mapping software5 years
designer_siteJavascript based app for material designers5 years
dev_urandomRandom little scripts
django-precompilerDjango Precompiler source from CodeMash5 years
dockerfilesMike's Dockerfiles5 months
dodai-macsupportDodai data mapper mac support5 years
dotfilesMike's Dotfiles3 months
doxie-scannerLinux replacement for Doxie scanner software4 years
dynamic_dnsSelf-Hosted Dynamic DNS Toolkit5 years
foundryConfig management system5 years
github_mirrorMirroring agent for GitHub repos4 years
go-1password1password OPVault Implementation in Golang5 years
go-dht11-driverDHT11 temperature sensor driver in Go5 years
go-informUBNT inform protocol in go16 months
go_ddns_managerDynamic DNS manager in go9 months
goals_websiteWebsite for tracking progress against goals5 years
golibMike's Go Standard Library4 months
greenboxFamily recipe site5 years
hd24toolsFilesystem driver for Alesis HD245 years
hg_hostingScripts for hosting mercurial repositories5 years
hg_sshsignSigning mercurial commits with SSH agent5 years
hv_snowreportHoliday Valley snow report as HTML5 years
iptables_scriptsOld iptables management scripts5 years
kronosTime tracking software5 years
mfi_agentReplacement control agent for UBNT mFi5 years
mfi_homekitApple HomeKit integration for UBNT mFi2 years
milkmanRemember The Milk Python API5 years
mmdsMock Metadata Service5 years
moin_activityMoinMoin plugin to track project time5 years
moin_markdown_extMoinMoin parser to support checkboxes in markdown5 years
moin_mcrute_themeMoinMoin theme for Mike's wiki5 years
moin_setuptools_pluginsSetuptools based plugin loader for MoinMoin5 years
moin_thumbnailMoinMoin image thumbnail plugin5 years
mrbelvedereSystem configuration manager5 years
myturl_clientsClients for myturl.com5 years
nose-machineoutGDB-style output for nosetests5 years
obaliePython SVN client5 years
oidc_proxyOpenID Connect authentication proxy2 years
prometheus_node_collectorPrometheus Node Collector, local patches4 years
py-rspecSmall Rspec implementation in Python5 years
py_openid_connectPython OpenID connect server5 years
py_release_toolsTools for releasing Python software5 years
pyapacheApache tools ported to Python5 years
pydepgraphPython dependency graphing5 years
pydoraPython bindings for the API16 months
pygithubissuesGithub Issues Python Client5 years
relay-driverLinux kernel driver for GPIO relays4 years
santoprene_designer_siteJavascript based app for material designers5 years
server_binServer setup and utility scripts5 years
ses-smtpd-proxySMTP proxy for AWS SES16 months
six_monitoringSeattle Internet Exchange Monitoring4 years
snakeplanSoftware planning application5 years
snakeplan2Software planning application5 years
st-patchedPatch Suckless Terminal9 months
svn_repolistSubversion repository lister5 years
temperature_monitoringEdgeOS temperature monitor5 years
tiny-ec2-bootstrapA tiny EC2 instance bootstrapper that uses instance metadata16 months
tiny-webappsSome small webapps for random things5 years
ubiquiti_mongodbUbiquiti MongoDB Proxy5 years
ubntmfiReverse engineered Ubiquiti mFI wire protocol5 years
url_shortenerURL shortener Bottle app5 years
ventriloquySmall static blog generator4 years website5 years
viwikiMoinMoin wiki CLI5 years
web_rss_readerWeb RSS reader5 years
website_from_wikiGenerate website from wiki pages5 years
websocket_proxyWebsocket proxy for SSH8 months
websockttyWebsocket TTY, local copy4 years
wordpress_pluginsOld Wordpress Plugins5 years
yardmaster_configConfig for Yardmaster5 years